
Is Atticus Finch Good Or Evil

Decent Essays

The choices you make ultimately determine whether you are perceived as good or bad. There is a gray area, but most people fall under one extreme or another. In To Kill A Mockingbird, there are clearly some good characters and some truly evil characters. I believe that Atticus Finch, Mayella Ewell, and Bob Ewell are good, transitioning, and evil, respectively.
Atticus Finch is truly a blessing to Maycomb County. He is a single father doing the absolute most for his children to ensure they live a good life and are growing up to become well-rounded people. To his disadvantage, Atticus has been cursed with one of the most unpleasant jobs around: defending a black man in a court against a prejudiced white judge and jury. Even though Atticus knew …show more content…

In To Kill A Mockingbird, you witness two young children transition from childishly carefree to mature. While both Scout and Jem change significantly, I believe that Jem truly shows the most growth. As you grow, you learn that you are able to make decisions for yourself and passively go against your parents. On page 203, Jem stands up against his father. “‘Go home, I said.’ Jem shook his head. As Atticus's fists went to his hips, so did Jem’s…” He did not want to leave the jailhouse. As a younger child, Jem would’ve left the jailhouse immediately but he is getting to a point in his life where he is able to decide what he wants for himself. Throughout the novel, you witness Jem develop from a child into a young adult, quite literally. Puberty hits Jem hard, and he is referred to as a young adult within the house. On page 153, Calpurnia says, “‘Baby, I just can’t help it if Mister Jem’s growin’ up. He’s gonna want to be off to himself a lot now, doin’ whatever boys do…” His physical changes are referenced later on, when he notices he’s sprouting some chest hairs but whether or not they are actually there remains a

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