
Is Autism Caused By Vaccines Or Is It Genetic?

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Is autism caused by vaccines or is it genetic? Is it caused by environmental factors or are there problems during pregnancy that can cause it? Psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler first used the term autism in 1908, and in the 1940s the United States began to use this term to describe children with emotional or social problems. He used it to describe “a schizophrenic patient who had withdrawn into his own world”. The Greek word ' 'autós ' ' meaning self was what the name autism was derived from and was used by Bleuler to mean a morbid self-admiration and withdrawal into one’s self. In the early 1940s, child psychiatrists Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger studied separate groups of children. Each group had many of the same symptoms like difficulties in social interactions, or difficulty with adapting to changes in their routine, good memory, and noticed that an autistic child’s motor skills were different from a non-autistic child’s. Kanner and Bettelheim tried to blame the cause of autism on the coldness of the children’s mothers and separated the children from their parents. More information was revealed when an education and therapy foundation was created in the early 80s. Many parents at this time still confused autism with mental retardation and psychosis, and realized that bad parenting had no grounds as being the causative. The idea that autism came from neurological disturbances and genetic abnormalities like tuberous sclerosis, PKU, and fragile X syndrome. There is a wide range

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