
Is Golf A Sport Essay

Decent Essays

“The fact that golf can be difficult and requires practice and skill to achieve proficiency does not mean it qualifies as a sport. Brain surgery, chess, and computer programming are difficult tasks that also require practice and mental acuity, but they are clearly not sports.”

My partner and I have come to a conclusion that golf shall not be considered a sport.

Our three main topics as to why golf should not be considered a sport is the possibility of injury, exsuration, and strategy

Our first reasoning is injury. “If you can compete in a professional tournament with a broken leg, it is not a sport. Tiger Woods not only played the 2008 US Open with two stress fractures in his left tibia, he actually won …show more content…

Let’s start off with the definition of a sport “An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.” Now let’s take football and the requirements of the amount of physical exercise they endure compared to golfers. Football players require months of conditioning, hours of studying plays, hours of running through these plays. Let’s face it golfers… you don’t have to be in any type of physical shape, heck there’s really not even an age limit either. Some of the oldest golfers such as Tom Watson who led much of the final round at the 2009 British Open when he was 59 years old. You don’t see any 59 year olds suiting up going out and playing football. A few of the oldest football players such as Warren Moon who played for the Edmonton Eskimos in 1983 (CFL) age 44 when retired, Gary Anderson who played for the Philadelphia Eagles, the San Francisco 49ers, the Minnesota Vikings, and the Tennessee Titans up until his final games in 2004 (NFL) age 45 when retired. There are FIVE main groups of muscles that golfers use. (Core muscles, upper back muscles, shoulders, legs, and the tricep/forearm) where as football players …show more content…

Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, rugby, lacrosse, all have plays or a strategy to win. Golf does not, and no wearing your lucky socks is NOT a strategy of winning a golf meet so don’t even try and argue that. Your daily performance can be based upon a handful of different things. “Oh well the wind took my ball”, “my caddie handed me the wrong club”, “this course is messed up” “that pond shouldn’t of been there”, “the people distracted me” golfers are known to make excuses for themselves. Ernie Els is a great example, he competed in the 2016 masters. In his first round he had three hits until he was on the fairway, he had SIX PUTTS… six putts everybody. His exact words after “It’s what happens when you have the heebie-jeebies. I can’t explain it. You can’t explain it, if you can’t feel it you wouldn’t know what I’m feeling. It’s just one of those things I have to deal with.” “Explain the heebie jeebies, how do you fix them? I don’t know, ya know give me a brain transplant.” If a football player was kicking a field goal and missed during the super bowl lets say and he has to explain what happened out there just as Ernie Els had to do so, the football player could give you a breakdown of what he actually did wrong and why he did that. Such as not rotating his hips through all the way, not because of the “heebie

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