
Is Google Making USupid: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains

Satisfactory Essays

With technology on the rise, I see more and more of the human population with their heads buried in their phones. A few of the reasons why they allow the weight of their head to stoop down low is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Gmail, Google, and Snapchat just to name a few. As my girlfriend would say, who does Kahala Mall’s marketing, “everything is heading in the direction of social media. If you are not with social media you are not with it.” Keep in mind, as she is stating this, I am barking at the fact that she is constantly on her phone. In Nicholas Carr’s essay Is Google Making Us stupid: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains he argues that the internet, technology, and the forces of Google, is changing the way we think. Not only does

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