
Is Google Making Us Stupid?, by Nicholas Carr

Good Essays

The following essay will discuss how the ideas in “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, is expressed in the futuristic novel Feed, by M.T Anderson.
The first of the many ideas conveyed in Carr’s article is that the brain is malleable like plastic. To explain, the professor of Neuroscience, James Olds, says that “nerve cells routinely break old connections and form new ones” (Carr 4). This means that the human brain changes the way it functions according to the information manipulated by neurons. In the novel Feed, brain malleability is involved in the climax of the story. The feed works as a computer chip being directly inserted into a person’s brain. The climax of the story occurs when Titus and his group of friends get their …show more content…

Moreover, Carr critiques how the Internet is taken as people’s main source of information. Instead, he thinks people should think critically on their own instead of relying on computers. In the novel, Violet is shown to be the only character who thinks critically about the future of the society she is living in and rebel against the feeds. Titus and his friends often would pass by people protesting against the chips but would never pay attention to them. For him and his friends, there was nothing wrong with having computer chip inserted in your brain. However, serious health problems were linked to their usage such as baldness, skin lesions and skin falling out. Among the teens, skin legions were seen as fashionable instead of being dangerous. The fact that the public has decided to ignore the links between health and the chips shows that they are not thinking critically about the consequences of the usage of feeds. Moreover, after the characters got their feeds hacked, they are taken to the hospital where the chips are removed from their brains. Titus describes the experience in the hospital as very boring because without the computers, they could not find anything to do except to lie in bed. One of their friends who was unaffected by the hacker’s attack, comes to visit the main characters in the hospital. The first thing the patients demanded from her was to tell them what is going around the world and on their TV shows.

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