
Is Higher Education Necessary?

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It has always been said that college is the next step to a bigger future after high school. So many people look forward to the fun, the new experiences, the new people, and the new life. College is sometimes a getaway for that bullied student or a safe haven for that scientific nerd, but where do these people end up after college? A college education is not a decision for everyone, as several students graduate with a huge amount of student debt and qualified job opportunities. Do they even complete it? Secondary institutions are a great way for high school graduates or even adult learners to get a head start on a successful path that leads to a non-stressful lifestyle, but the struggles and financial conflicts of applying and attending can …show more content…

However, after gaining a college degree, a person might be left with good work benefits, great interpersonal skills, and great friends, but he/she are also prone to be left in debt. In fact, in 2013, there were 19.9 million U.S. college students, and the average student debt was over $26,000. Life after graduating college will not help pay off the debt of student loans. Besides, some people acquire a degree and do not even put it to use. What is the point in that?
Hard Work, No Benefit During November 2013 approximately one-third of college educated American workers age 35 and older are have never worked within their degree major. This simple fact goes to show that not all things are necessary. Although in this day of time, most jobs require higher education, there are still several occupations that could possibly supply more pay to a non-graduate that a graduate. This situational happening is rare, but it just might be worth the try for a debt free life. questioning the equivalent of a college education today, which years ago gave an impression a good investment and confidence, could be very enlightened. Therefore, people uncertainty and inquiring can be the fundamental to transformation. Researchers stated, “48 percent of baccalaureate degree holders are not employed in jobs that require the degree.” (Rose, 2013) Even though bachelor 's degree superior is very much high and likely pay in jobs not requiring the degree is comparably low.

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