
Essay on Is Huck Finn Too Mature?

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Is Huck Finn too Mature?

Huck Finn knows more than a fourteen year old boy could possibly know. He has the maturity level of one in their twenties at least. Huck's knowledge and decisions in certain situations in the book exceed the intelligence in general fourteen year old boys. When Samuel Clemens wrote this book, he was well into his mature adult years. Huckleberry Finn represents the adventurous, free spirited life that we all would like to have led in our childhood years.
Clemens wrote this book with the frame of mind of a fourteen year old. Huck
Finn is Twain's dreams and childhood ambitions come to life.

On Huck's adventure he encounters alot of different views of society. He experiences the restrictions of the company in which …show more content…

Whatever the reason, Huckleberry is definitely advanced in life.

In this book, it is noticeable that Twain has given the narrator all of the major and necessary attributes needed by an adventurous boy. Huck has no religion to keep him from doing what he feels is necessary. He has family that cares about him or his well-being. He has seen many views of society and has decided that he does not want anything to do with it. He prefers the freedom of the wilderness to the restrictions of society. Huck has his own set of morals and values to govern his life. He also has perhaps the most needed quality of all. Huck has the ability to adjust to any situation, and to adjust to almost any surroundings.

The situation with Jim and the rattlesnake is surprising to the reader.
It is one of the three specific situations in the book where Huck makes a decision without thinking it through. Huck forgets that a rattlesnakes mate always curls around its dead partner. This turns out to have bad result when
Jim is bitten by the snake which was not at all Huck's intent. Twain may have put that case in the book to show that Huck is not always right and is capable of making bad decisions. At this point, it is likely that Twain realized how good Huck was turning out to be, and therefore had him make a mistake. Not just a mistake, but a mistake that went against one of his

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