
Is It Really Wrong?

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When talking about intuitions, I will consider them as being automatic and immediate emotional responses that are rigid and inflexible (Greene 2013: 15; Sidgwick 1907: 97). In this way, intuitions can be thought of as the 'gut feelings ' we experience when faced with different scenarios, which act to prompt immediate judgements and exert pressure on behaviour (Sidgwick 1907: 97). That is, our intuitions work as automatic processes which tell us what to do, without us having to consciously think or reflect (Greene 2013: 135). When considering moral intuitions, in particular, we are merely narrowing our focus to the intuitions that we encounter when faced with moral problems. For example, when our gut tells us that something like incest is …show more content…

Now that it is clear what we are talking about when thinking about moral intuitions, it is important to contemplate, before considering whether they should play a role in moral theory, where our intuitions arose from, and their purpose. We humans are evolved social animals that have been shaped by the forces of Darwinian natural selection (Darwin 1859). Natural selection can not only account for our physical traits and structure, but also accounts for our key cognitive traits, including emotions, and specifically, our moral intuitions (Pinker 2002: 52-54). In light of Darwinian theory, evolutionary theorists suggest that we should consider ourselves from a 'gene 's-eye-view ' (Dawkins 1976). That is, we should think of ourselves as 'survival machines ' build by our genes for the sole purpose of successfully passing on copies of themselves to future generations. This means that, our traits, both physical and cognitive, including our moral intuitions, work to serve the purpose of ensuring that we make it to reproductive age, successfully reproduce, and behave in ways which will promote the reproductive success of our kin, thus assisting the continued existence of the genes making up the survival machines of our genetic relatives and us. However, although we have evolved traits that we value positively, such as empathy, it is important to note that evolution is

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