
Is Julia's Right To Discrimination Against Disabled Employees?

Decent Essays

Universally the discussions support Julia’s employment protection secondary to the Americans’ with Disabilities Act of 1990 which disallows discrimination against disabled workers. However, there remain numerous obstacles that can be faced by those with disabilities in regards to procuring gainful employment. Perceptions that a disabled worker will increase the labor of other workers may be prevalent, companies may experience a deficiency in external hiring support, for example, recruitment of the disabled. In addition, companies often lack funds or processes that would allow them to meet the requirements for accommodation of disabled employees (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2013). In deference to Julia revealing her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to her manager, there were mixed responses in the discussions, some felt she should, and others maintain that she should not. For Julia, the decision to reveal her illness would necessitate she measure the imports of continuing to maintain her silence, in addition to evaluating the consequences of sharing (Treviño & Nelson, 2014). Several discussions perceive that the risks are too great for Julia to reveal her condition to her manager. …show more content…

Some discussions concluded that honesty in the workplace is important and that the laws regarding discrimination against disabilities would protect Julia. However, there were also several who feel it is Julia’s right to withhold her protected health information until she is ready to share the information. Given Julia’s successful education of her manager and coworkers at her prior company in regards to her MS, should this influence her decision? (United States Department of Labor,

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