
Is Karma And Rebirth Really Plausible?

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Buddhism is a religion which is very popular in the world. Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a way of life. It is a philosophical religion because it shows you the moral of life, leads you to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and it makes you develop wisdom and understanding. Buddhism explains the purpose of life. In today’s world karma and rebirth is a debatable argument that people either believe or they don’t believe, but the real question is karma and rebirth really plausible? In other words, Karma to some people is very spiritual of higher archly. Some people believe that if you are good and deserving person at heart, good will come to you in the end or the next life after death. In other words it’s the sum of an …show more content…

The boy is a good kid has not done anything bad to deserve this kind of faith. All he wanted in life was to make his mom proud of him, he never hurts anyone or caused anyone pain but yet when he dies his mother will be in deep pain. How can karma account for this poor child? He is going to die now for no reason other than the crime of being born in this situation. He did nothing to be punished. To me karma sounds like a rumor that has developed over time. It honestly doesn’t sound true. I believe it’s false since it is just introduced to maintain morality in the society; you are basically using karma to control …show more content…

The boy is a good boy has not done anything bad to deserve this kind of fate. All he wanted in life was to make his mom proud of him, he never hurts anyone or caused anyone pain but yet when he dies his mother will be in deep pain. How can karma account for this poor child? He is going to die now for no reason other than the crime of being born in this situation. He did nothing to be punished. Also Buddha remembers at the time as though he was a human. It is not true because there was no humans at the time many years ago. You can’t recall a time when you were human in your past lives because there was no humans on earth at that times years ago. Karma is nothing but a lie, like if you do well to others you can get severely punished for no

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