
Is Knowledge Management a Fad?

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Is knowledge management a fad?

Knowledge management is a broad term that includes tools and theories from various fields. T.D. Wilson had been impeaching the need for knowledge management and he had come to the conclusion that knowledge management is just a fad started by consultancy companies and IT/ICT departments. This paper examines the righteousness of this proclamation and provides explanations and specifications of some conclusions that had T.D. Wilson provided in his work “The nonsense of 'knowledge management '”.

Is knowledge management a fad?

1 The need of KM in information society

With the instantaneous global information sharing is arising the need of …show more content…

Without knowing this language we are not able to transform data (characters) into any information (meaning of whole words and sentences) and consequently we are not able to obtain any knowledge from this text.
Data become information, when they have been manipulated permitting its meaning to be understood. (Thorton, 2010)
One of the tons of definitions of knowledge is: “Knowledge is directly related to understanding and is gained through the interpretation of information. Knowledge enables us to interpret information i.e. derive meaning from data. The interpretation of meaning is framed by the perceiver’s knowledge.“ (Mark Sharratt & Abel Usoro, 2003, p.188).
The definition of knowledge management becomes more interesting then definition of knowledge, because of the various views on this term as Wilson points out (Wilson, 2002, What is 'knowledge management '?, para. 1).
Despite the recent lack of agreement on what is meant by knowledge management, the definitions of knowledge management aim at three core components of knowledge management: knowledge/information repositories, communities and networks and experts and knowers. (Chatti & Jarke & Frosch-Wilke, 2007, page 406)

3 Tacit explicit and implicit knowledge

Wilson has also raised the question about explicit knowledge. He is literally asking the reader “Does it make any difference to the argument if, in the diagram, we replace "tacit knowledge" with "knowledge"

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