
Is Lying Ever Justified Essay

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Is Lying justified or never justified? Lying is an everyday social factor and a moral duty when the time comes. Lying is sometimes justified when it is used to protect someone from harm or to protect someone’s feelings; but on the other hand, others think lying is always justified. Most think lying is sometimes ok to protect someone from harm. In “It’s the Truth:Americans Conflicted About Lying,” the article states,”Not only is lying justified it’s sometimes a moral duty,” (NBC News). This shows that lying is a part of every day life. In addition, it states that it is a duty. This shows that it is a duty to protect someone from harm. Also, the article states, “ For Harold smith, it was worth the risk when he lied to his daughter about his health when undergoing treatment for a kidney treatment. ‘Why get her all traumatized?’ Says smith ‘I …show more content…

In the article, “Rejecting All Lies: Immanuel Kant,” by Sissela Bok, Bok reports, “Truthfulness in statements which cannot be avoided is the formal duty if an individual to everyone,” (Bok). This statement is disagreeing with NBC News’ statement when stating that lying is a moral duty. It also states that the truth will always come first which could be argued with. Kant also states “This is an absolutist position, prohibiting all lies, even those told for the best of purposes or to avoid the most horrible of fate,” (Kant). Kant states that even if lying to protect someone is needed, to not try and lie to protect someone. This also shows that Kant disagrees with all lies even if it protects someone or something from harm. Therefore, some think lying is never justified. Lying is sometimes justified when it is used to protect someone from harm or to protect someone’s feelings; but on the other hand others think lying is always justified. Lying is apart of everyday life. It’s better to protect someone with a lie then letting them get hurt in the long

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