
Is Nietzsche’s Belief of Justice Sound?

Decent Essays

Friedrich Nietzsche, in the Genealogy of Morality, dedicates his second essay to prove that justice, is ultimately a version of the equalization of suffering, in terms of the creditor/debtor relationship. Through the course of this paper, I will discuss whether Nietzsche’s belief of justice being a form of the equalization of suffering is sound. My argument will be presented in three phases: I will first provide background information in reference to the creditor/debtor relationship, I will then elucidate what Nietzsche means by his belief, and lastly, I will explain and evaluate Nietzsche’s concept of justice and the equalization of suffering.
As mentioned earlier, Nietzsche asserts that the creditor and debtor relationship is a form of the equalization of suffering. He identifies that the primary notion of guilt stems from the material concept of debt. Essentially, debt is described as owing, usually money, to someone. On the other hand, guilt is demarcated as the process of repaying debt, according to Nietzsche. A relationship takes form when a debtor and creditor agree on a deal, agreement, or loan. When this transpires, “the debtor inspires confidence that the promise of repayment will be honored, in order to give a guarantee of the solemnity and sanctity of his promise…” (Nietzsche 40). This indicates that the promise will be fulfilled regardless of any occurrences. Nietzsche affirms that if individuals have the ability to make promises, then they also have the ability

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