
Is The Banking Crisis A Major Source Of Country Risk?

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Is the Banking Crisis in Cyprus A Major Source Of Country Risk?
A Country Risk Report

Twareeq Imambaccus

INB 6200- Country Risk Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Mamad Pourhosseini
Richmond The American International University in London
Department of Business and Economics

I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Literature Review
IV. Hypothesis
V. Methodology
VI. Discussion a. Background b. Constituents of risk 1. Economic risk 2. Financial risk 3. Political Risk c. SWOT Analysis of Cyprus d. Economic Synoptic Analysis of Cyprus 1. Strengths 2. Weaknesses 3. Opportunities 4. Threats
VII. Economic Overview
VIII. Proposals for Additional Research
IX. Bibliography
X. Appendices –Prince Chart and Points of risk

I. Abstract
This essay will focus on the economic and political risks of Cyprus and will mainly concentrate on the political behavior of the country and effects of its financial involvement with the European Union and mainly focus on the banking crisis being a major source of country risk in the country. The country Cyprus is a vital part of the EU because of its risk factors politically and economically. From utilizing the International Country Risk Guide from PRS groups, country risk can be analyzed in three categories which are financial risk, economic risk and political risk. The financial risk and economic risk would be

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