
Is The Difference Between A Party Pooper Or Physical-Stained High School Party?

Satisfactory Essays

While the differences between being a party pooper and being a partier are perceptible; most might disagree that staying at home is bad, but it is actually beneficial. Who wants to spend their Saturday night at a vomit-stained high school party? In everyone else's mind, if you don’t party, you’re labeled as uncool or antisocial just because you’d rather sit at home drinking coffee, and catching up on the latest episode of Scream Queens. In a room filled with intoxicated people grinding on each other like misguided seals, you’d sit in the corner. Spilled drinks in a room full of people who could care less about you, only focusing on themselves. You can find real interests and hobbies instead of waking up with a hangover every Sunday morning.

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