
Is The No Child Left Behind?

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Over the past decade or longer schools in the United States of America have been tasked to produce successful students. In 2002, then-President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act, yet another phase of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (Cook, 2011). This has done little if anything to prepare students for college or life in general as the standardized tests used for assessing knowledge are actually a ranking method for evaluating aptitude rather than achievement and derived from United States Army Alpha Test, which was used to determine army recruits qualified for officer training (Cook, 2011). The success of schools, school districts, educators, and the students themselves has been measured by these standardized tests and higher ranking in overall scores equates to more funding for schools and higher pay for educators. What is left out of this equation is the students, how they are prepared for their future, and how successful they actually are or perceive themselves to be. A new study program, XCEL has been designed to be a compliment to the course material for students in junior and senior high schools. Through use of modern technology, issuance of a tablet with XCEL program installed, parental involvement, a teacher/student mentor relationship, XCEL promises to improve academic success rates for students falling below the 50th percentile ranking on standardized testing, whose overall classroom performance is lacking due to

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