
Is The Presidential Election Process Fair?

Satisfactory Essays

The topic I chose to write about is whether the U.S election process is fair or not. This topic came to mind while watching the recent presidential elections. Now whether I was for or against the winner is irrelevant. The real question is, “Does our vote really matter?” When the popular vote leans towards candidate A, but the electoral votes lean towards candidate B is it fair the a few hundred votes count more than millions of Americans? In the 18th century our founding fathers created the system of electoral votes believing that the average farmer was not educated enough in politics to make a knowledgeable decision. Even though this may have been true, and it would be a hassle to change the system that has been working, many Americans feel that their vote makes no difference. Our government is run by politicians, politicians who Americans elect and then vote for our president, so whether the presidential election process is fair or not is debatable. …show more content…

Even though there may be some flaws in the system, it has been working since our government began. And the American people elect the electoral voters, who vote for the president based on that counties vote. This process may be corrupt at times, but if you look at this year’s election people wanted a change, and elected Donald Trump. The popular vote was against him, but throughout the country many counties switched sides and voted for him. Many of the votes Hilary obtained came from bigger cities who are always Democrat. This essay will take some thinking, but it is something that has happened recently and opened my

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