
Is it Ethical to Withhold Information from Dying Patients?

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Is it Ethical to Withhold Information from Dying Patients?
It is hard choosing the right thing to do. There are so many things that affect the final choice one makes. When this happens, they must look at all the facts and base their choice off of what seems morally correct. (Larsen & Runzheimer, 9) Ethics is basically that; morals that decide what actions a person will take. There are ethics for everything, including virtual ethics, duty ethics, and medical ethics. (Larsen & Runzheimer, 10) There are four basic principles for medical ethics. The first is Autonomy, which focuses on a patient’s liberty. Next is Beneficence, which states that all health care providers must make decisions based on the well-being of the patient. After is Nonmaleficence, which means do not cause any harm. Lastly is Justice, or fairness. When dealing with any medical situation one must remember that honesty and dignity are very important things to have. (Larsen & Runzheimer, 11) Therefore, it is unethical to withhold information from dying patients; hence, dying patients have a right to know their health and mental state.
Although ethics are very important, we must also look at legality. Some things might be ethical, but have no laws to back it up. There’s a famous quote that says “Good ethics begins where the law ends.” This is why it is important for people, especially health care providers, to make sure if they are going to do something they think is ethical, to also check if the law is backing

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