
Isaac Newton And Issac Newton's Theory Of Gravity

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Before Issac Newton witnessed the famous apple fall, no one had a clear understanding as to why the planets and stars moved in space the way they did. It was until the first theory produced by Isaac Newton that the ideas of gravity started to come into play. After Issac Newton's Theory of Gravity, Albert Einstein introduced his Theories of Gravity and make remarkable theories to explain how gravity works not only on Earth, but all over the solar system. Today we will be discussing Issac Newton's theory of gravity as well as Albert Einstein's theories, and how they played a big role in the revolutionary discovery of gravity and why we still use them today. In the summer of 1666 Issac Newton was sitting under a tree as an apple fell in front of him, this fall was the event that led to his interest in gravity and started his journey to discovering how it worked. Newton was the first to actually identify gravitational force and he worked on proving that gravitational force could explain both why the moon rotated around the earth, and why the apple fell from the tree that day. Newton was the first one to produce the idea that there in fact is a force acting on both the moon and apple, and that there was a mathematical formula you can use to calculate both. Newton’s universal law of gravitation states that, each and every object within the universe attracts any other object with a force that is usually directed along a line joining the two objects ("Newton’s Law of Universal

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