
Isadora Duncan Research Paper

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Isadora Duncan Essay “If I could say it, I wouldn’t have to dance it” (Source). Isadora Duncan’s life was an unspoken dance of invention, despair, and ultimately tragedy. Born at the height of the Victorian era Isadora’s “pure” Greek family was far from the norm of the time period. With a divorced mother and a passed father, Isadora, and her siblings often taught dance for money in attempt to support their family. As Duncan aged, she resented the fact that people in the United States did not fully accept her new modern way of movement, so she moved to Europe, where her style was eventually accepted, but only after many hardships were endured. The confined grace and beauty of classical ballet was the very thing that Isadora Duncan grew up resenting, instead she broke the mold and forever changed the dance world with her new perspective on an old art. Isadora Duncan’s early life inspired her to …show more content…

On May 26, 1877 Isadora Duncan was born in San Francisco, California to Joseph Charles Duncan and Mary Isadora Grey (Stokes 1). Not long after her birth her father was exposed for illegal banking, leaving the family extremely poor, resulting in her parents getting a divorce, and Mary Isadora Grey taking the children and moving to Oakland (Stokes 1). From a young age Isadora Duncan rebelled against the antique ideal of a classical ballerina, and taught her own ideas on dance that reflected an established Californian trend (Kurth 22). Isadora’s childhood was spent teaching local children for money. This is where her dance evolved from poses to seamless integrations of patterns based on ordinary physical activities, relying on the idea that the body should not be forgotten while dancing (Kurth 24). By the age of fifteen Isadora and her sister were already listed in the Oakland directory as dance teachers and in

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