
Isolation In Gregor's Metamorphosis

Decent Essays

Gregor's physical transformation into a hybrid is a result of him being physically and mentally isolated from his family. He is isolated before his metamorphosis, through his job, and after his transformation. Gregor was never close to his family to begin with, but as he transforms into a vermin he becomes significantly more isolated from his family. His physical transformation into a vermin is just an extension of the alienation he already felt within his family. Through Gregor's transformation into hybrid he becomes informed about what type of people who live within his family. His family's lack of acceptance makes Gregor begin to resent his family. Throughout the story, Gregor's family begins to no longer help him which leads Gregor to alter …show more content…

After his incident of coming out of his room and listening to his sister play the violin, his family is furious and decides to get rid of him completely. The family changes they way they address Gregor by calling “him” an “It”, the sister yells, “We have to find a way to get rid of it!” (Page 48), while the father agrees by saying, “It has to go” (Page 49). The family believes that the vermin is no longer Gregor and that “it” is trying to take over the family. After this major event Gregor “... [is] left completely on his own” (Page 50), which leads him to go back into his dark and lonely room. Through the family treating Gregor as a burden he becomes notably isolate physically and mentally from the …show more content…

His family's lack of acceptance leaves Gregor “...completely filled with rage at his miserable treatment…” (Page 41). He sees that that family never really cared about him except for when he was helping them out of debt. Gregor soon becomes accepting of his physical metamorphosis and accepts his life living in “the darkest corner of his room” (Page 44). Not only does Gregor become accepting of his physical feature but he begins to accept the fact that he no longer really cares about his family anymore. Gregor embraces his feelings of dislike towards his family, he says, “It hardly surprised him that lately he was showing so little consideration for others; once such consideration had been his greatest pride” (Page 45). This shows that once Gregor becomes aware of the way his family feels towards his metamorphosis, his isolation and alienation leads him to care less about his family's expectation and views of

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