
Isolation In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

Decent Essays

A Teen's Worst Fear

What scares you the most? Is it spiders, pain, or even death? Most teenagers are afraid of isolation. Teens want to be supported. They want to be part of a group, never isolated. Isolated teens may develop a fear of speech and may be unable to speak up for themselves. This May even result in lowered self-confidence and body image. Ultimately, isolated teens may develop severe mental health problems. Isolation can impact a teen's life in many negative ways, which is why it is a teen's worst fear.

Isolation can result in a lowered self-esteem. In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, the reader can see the impact that isolation has on the main character, Melinda. Melinda sees herself as a person with "Two muddy-circle eyes under black-dash eyebrows, piggy-nose nostrils and a chewed-up horror of a mouth" (Anderson 17). In this passage, we see that Melinda feels degraded just because she has no friends. Teens may also isolate themselves because of their body image. "For some, the desire to look as perfect as these models can become …show more content…

Approximately 20 percent of teens have a mental illness, and isolation plays a substantial role in this (Celebre). Teens who isolate themselves may plunge into depression, and this may lead to a severe mental health issue. In the text Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer, the main characters suffer from severe isolation. They explain how they're "trapped in their own Bell Jar" (Wolitzer 49). This implies they feel the isolation they face is very difficult, they feel trapped. Teens who isolate themselves may fall into depression, and this may lead to a severe mental health issue. They also explain how they are "floating farther and farther away from everyone" (Wolitzer 49). The characters feel the only way to cope with their trauma is to isolate themselves. This way, they can be with their own thoughts. Additionally, teens may also develop a fear of speaking as they isolate

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