
Isopropanol And Ethanol Experiment

Decent Essays

Our purpose was to use experiments and research in order to find the find best alcohol replacement fuel for methanol between 1-Butanol, isopropanol, and ethanol. We discovered that ethanol was the best replacement fuel by taking many things into consideration. The experiment that we carried out was to find the energy given off by the burning of each of the alcohols. We set a beaker of water on a ring stand over an alcohol burner. Then we lit the alcohol burner and burned it for 2 minutes. We also took temperature before we started and after we ended so that we could do the calculations. The other thing we did so that we could do the calculations was mass the alcohol burner before and after so that we could know how much of the alcohol was burned. The other thing we did to back up our conclusion was research things like safety, effects on the environment, and cost. We found that ethanol was the cheapest and that it had the least effect on the environment. Both ethanol and 1-Butanol are available …show more content…

One thing we struggled with was that each flame had a different height. Some were very short and others were quite tall. We ended up doing our experiment over because the stands were all at different heights and we couldn’t be sure that we had accurate results. To fix that we redid the experiment but there was probably still mistakes in the way that the heat was transferred. Another possible error was that we could not do this experiment inside of a calorimeter because it used a flame. It was very much an open system and mass could evaporate since heat was radiating out. These mistakes would all make our results too low because heat would escape and so the change in temperature would be smaller than the actual temperature change, which is multiplied by other values to get the heat given off of the flame. Thus, the final number would be smaller than it would theoretically be in an isolated

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