Yes, I do feel that some individuals try to sugar coat the issues in other to make the situation more comfortable at least from what I have experience in my law enforcement career. I would like to mention an example, so I could explain my answer better, in my previous job the individuals who had many years in the organization got away with everything, they pretty much did not care and were getting paid for doing absolutely everything (it was so obvious, and painful to watch). However, most of the supervisors of these individuals were decades younger than then so the supervisors feared the older crowd, they were afraid to tell them straight up what they were doing wrong. When we had meetings, management would only address the wrongdoings of
As women entered the law enforcement profession , on equal footing with men ,one of the primary concerns women have to struggle when obtaining the title in field , was that a woman would be able to control a large violent offender. In the 1970's The 350 Pound Man in the Alley was used when it came to hiring women. However,the job standard test as of today has changed when hiring women include
There will always be a fight for justice, and where there is crime there are those who must solve them. I wish to pursue a career in the criminal justice industry, mainly working as a forensic science criminalist. Those who use scientific logic and evidence found at the scene of the crime to solve the case, The heroes who don’t wear the labcoats instead of the black and blues. Heroes like these need certain skills, interests, and values that make them an official criminalist.
Over the last several years, most police departments have been facing numerous financial challenges. The main reason is law enforcement agencies are expected to do more with less and the stagnant economy. The combination of these factors has been placing pressure on many departments to begin imposing budget cuts. Evidence of this can be seen with a survey that was conducted by the University of North Carolina. They found that 67% of police departments made some kind of budget cuts for 2011. The most severe reductions were occurring in large police departments such as Los Angeles, Atlanta and Detroit. (Delfem, 2011, pp. 199 - 205) This is illustrating one of the most pressing issues affecting a wide variety of police departments across the country. To fully understand what is happening requires: examining the situation, how they are able to interact with other agencies (i.e. state / federal) and recommending the way this relationship can be improved. Together, these elements will offer specific insights about how police departments can effectively address this problem.
If you currently are or will be considering becoming a law enforcement officer you will hopefully find the following information useful. I will be conveying to you not only the importance of professional appearance and means you can use to be more efficient at presenting such an appearance. While representing a state, city or county a less than professional image as an officer is not acceptable. As a public servant an officer’s appearance is the public’s first impression of who you are and what you represent or stand for. Not caring about your own appearance as a professional may lead some to assume you do not care about your job. We will discuss the reasons an officer should take extra pride in their appearance as well as steps to take that will assist in achieving a more professional appearance. Hopefully you will consider the advice given to you and make yourself a more professional looking officer or officer to be.
There are many key issues that have to be considered by law enforcement agencies when building relationships with the communities they serve. First and for most they have to adequately and fairly address complaints made by members of the community. The police have to provide the same service to minority communities as they would provide a predominately white community. The effect of providing good service could mean that the community will slowly build their trust with police officers. In the long run this will reduce tensions and build trust between the two groups. By building trust the police know they can count on the community when it comes to crime prevention. Reducing the publics fear of crime translates to increased cooperation between
Both police officers and sheriffs have the same stereotypes but when it comes to misconceptions, the sheriffs are viewed differently. All though stereotypes and misconception seem the same, they hold different meanings. Individuals in law enforcement experience a great deal of stereotypes and misconceptions. Yet not all misconceptions and stereotypes of law enforcement employees deal with the treatment of others. And not all officers sit hours on end and consume doughnuts with coffee. In addition, many people confuse T.V with actuality. Not all cases can be solved within an hour and it is not a job where there is constant adrenaline pumping moments. Being able to have family members in a law enforcement career gives such an individual a perfect
In law enforcement they are required to deal with a variety of issues from race, gender difference and political views, etc. Within law enforcement these different issues have to be handled with respect and discretion, the officer has to be able to separate their personal beliefs and do their job. The job of law enforcement is to enforce law as it is written, it does not matter their personal feeling toward a certain topic. Separating or reassigning an officer to a different forum will just create a dilemma within the department, e.g., if an officer has a religious belief against homosexuals they are required to protect them under the law no matter their sexual preference. Allowing officer to use religious belief as a term not to do their jobs
The criminal justice system field that I am most interested in is the law enforcement side. After college I have three dreams one is to be in the United States Air Force. The criminal justice major will have a colossal influence on my career. It would give me an edge on the other competition because I know what to expect because the law enforcement concentration is one of the closest military experience things that Alabama State University has to offer. I would like to be in the emergency management field. Emergency management is the military version of FEMA. My aspiration is to be able to become an officer and lead airmen to success. I want to do twenty years in the military then retire after that I would like to join the Drug Enforcement
culture by instilling fear and causing more harm than the original threat (Kane, 2014). Another ethical challenge was to find sources that applied my position without sacrificing the truth by being too forceful or one-sided. To overcome these, I made sure my sources were scholarly and that they did not have a self-serving motive, such as creating fear or to create a profit.
Police officers have played a major role in society by protecting us from crime. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events.
When I was a kid I always loved the rush and adrenaline from doing something that counted on me to make the best decision. This is one of the reasons I would like to go into the Criminal Justice field. I’ve been watching shows like Criminal Minds, Lie to Me, Flash Point and many more. My mom is in that field so I ask her questions to see what it takes to be a part of it.
Hi, Billy, what you discussed made me think about the challenges that Law Enforcement Officers are facing as far as recruiting, and retention have its completion. There are a growing number of private armed security companies that's provided jobs to individuals who may qualify as a law enforcement officer. The standards are so high that judgmental prosecution question a unique ability for a person who provides safety to the public. It makes you wonder if security companies are performing a federal background check. This individual qualifies for a state license to carry a firearm, but due to their health, weight, education, age, history, moral ethics, and oral interview may disqualify them as law enforcement officers. Look around some of the
My company may have the most competitors when you think of a Police Department the apparent element of competition would be the criminals and crime itself. Some would venture to say that crime should be a police departments only competition, as a police officer I see it differently. I remember the first few weeks as a new officer, my feild training officer spending the majority of the days talking to me about how fast you can end up in prison for this job. He made three references to sex, money, and associations, mainly ethics and moral values. We went over scenarios that would place an officer in an ethical dilemma or challenge. The reasoning for the practicums was that you could not plan for every situation however planning is like training
Senator Doe, first off I would like to congratulation you on your appointment to the Committee on Crime and Criminal Justice. This memo has been created to give you background knowledge in the contemporary issues in law enforcement in the United States.
Over the last seven weeks students have dove into the study of research, receiving an introduction to a deeper level of conducting and reinterpreting different research methods. Questions such as, “What have you learned about research at an introductory level?” and “How do you evaluate or critique this from a biblical, Christian perspective?” will be answered in the personal case study that will be conducted on myself. The fascinating thing about research is that every individual conducts it in a different way. Though the case study helps set up a problem-answer- solution type model, individuals use personal explanations in illustrating the problem and indicating a means to solve this problem within the case study itself. The information that I have observed at an introductory level has been briefly composed in this case study.