
Learning Styles And How It Affects My Life As A Student

Decent Essays

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I learn. Involve me and I remember” ~ Benjamin Franklin. Learning comes differently to everyone, people can be all types of learners in their own way. There are many different types of learning styles because all people are different but have similar qualities. Learning everyone is unexampled because they all have different personalities making them who they are. Introvert or Extrovert, you will always be unique. I am an ISTJ or in other words an Introvert, Sensing, Thinker, and Judger. Throughout my essay, I will talk about how I Am all these things and how it affects me as a middle school student. Being an introvert affects my life as a student. An introvert is a morning that can be quiet and not talk a lot the other friends unless they're close. “Introverts crave meaning so party chit chats feel like sandpaper to our psyche” ~ Diane Cameron. The word introvert fits me because of how I am slow …show more content…

“ Success is no accident. It's hard work perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, a love of what you are doing or learning how to do.” ~ Pele. An ISTJ the meaning of everything that describes the person I am today and the person I strive to be. These learning styles describe myself as student showing how I want to be an organized and more confident with myself as a student. This affects me because I am organized as a student and show strong suits with things like math. An example from my life is that I am confident with some work and the things that make the most sense to me. During math, I am confident because I get better grades and it makes more sense to me. On one quiz in math, I got all the answers correct, which boosted my grade and ability to do things and study harder. This helps me because it shows I need to be more interested in other subjects like Humanities and writing and get things done. Being an ISTJ is important because of how it shows my personality as a

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