
It Has Been Widely Speculated By Many Concerned American

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It has been widely speculated by many concerned American citizens that the Trump administration will cause a potentially cataclysmic abandonment of aide and support with specific regards to disabled Americans who are reliant on the Affordable Care Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Many Americans along with disabled citizens believe that President Trump’s blatant insensitivity towards disabled individuals during his electoral campaign provides a furtive agenda alongside palpable insight into where he truly stands in regards to the rights and capabilities of disabled citizens. Moreover, these budding concerns stem from President Trump’s prospective reform of Medicaid and impending plans to repeal Obama care together …show more content…

The mere implications of such a transition shine a new light on the true plights of some protestors who are actively speaking out against the results of the 2016 election. Unfortunately, the media and protestors in my opinion have failed to suitably underscore the consequences of these matters that as a disabled individual I deem more important than the judgmental, bias, and frequently imprecise or inappropriate battle cries of currently disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters in protest or on-air. Notwithstanding, President Trump’s decision to hire Jeff sessions for attorney general after his publicized racist comments in 1986 furnishes supplementary bearing for concern amongst disabled and minority citizens alike. Aforesaid considered, we must remember the Nazi parties initial motivation for concentration camps under the guise of the T4 program which validated the euthanasia of the mentally underdeveloped, physically handicapped, and mentally ill individuals who threatened the perfect image that Hitler wanted to remain synonymous with the Aryan race. There is little evidence of President Trump actually being a racist and in some cases there is evidence that he is quite the opposite. However, when one considers his publicly insensitive remarks concerning a disabled citizen, his poor choice in openly A.D.A. act opposed cabinet member Jeff Sessions, his Muslim ban policy for migrants escaping volatile countries, alongside the “Make

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