
It Is Widely Believed Through Books, Media, And The Entertainment

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It is widely believed through books, media, and the entertainment world that successful individuals have healthy sex lives. However, that is not true and it is even taboo to admit other wises. It is important to understand one’s sexual self-view and by doing so, one can understand why they are the way they are. The first step is by understanding what sexual self-view or also known as sexual schema is. There is a sexual self-schema for both men and women. For both sexes, they can either have a positive or negative sexual self-schema. Within those schemas are three branches: schematic, co-schematic, and aschmetic. Anderson and Cyranowski explain sexual self-view as, “a cognitive generalization about sexual aspects of the self. The view is …show more content…

L., Cyranowski, J. M., & Espindle, D. (1999). Data shows that men are capable of flawlessly and efficiently make decisions pertaining to themselves as sexual person. More or less, men are aware of their own view¬¬– they can see it, judge it, and document it (Andersen, B. L., Cyranowski, J. M., & Espindle, D. (1999). Schematic (positive sexual self- schema) men experiences emotions of passion and love while still seeing themselves as being powerful and aggressive. They frequently have high sexual relationships, resulting in a broader repertoire of sexual behaviors. Unfortunately, some of which transpire without commitment. But at the same time, these men are capable of having a relationship and if so are apt to have feelings of romance and falling in love (Andersen, B. L., Cyranowski, J. M., & Espindle, D. (1999). For instance, schematic men at 76% are more likely to be involved in a relationship, whereas aschematic men are 70 % not to be involved in a relationship. They have a limited range of sexual involvement and few partner, if any, at all. Although, interestingly on average man have a slightly higher rate of self-esteem. This may be the reason why men are diffident to affirm negative traits. Data shows that both schematic and aschematic men are weary of admitting negative valence, and the admitting of both positive and

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