
Italian Renaissance Unique Facts

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The Renaissance in the 15th century brought forth new forms of knowledge, reform, and enlightenment over Europe, particularly Florence, Italy. Despite its period of turmoil in the 12th century, the city of Florence went into a period of artistic creativity and dramatic cultural advancement. The 15th century excelled in the fields of art, music, literature, poetry, philosophy, science and theology. The Italian Renaissance is known to be an effective cultural development period which transpired innovational thinking and creative enrichment ("Unique Facts About Europe: The Renaissance." Unique Facts About Europe: The Renaissance. Web).”

The House of Medici, also known as the Medici family, was a political dynasty who obtained sovereignty in Florence, Italy around the 13th century through merchants and banking. The Medici’s reign as dukes of Tuscany played a substantial role in the cultural development of Florence, especially in Florentine art. The Medici Family took over the city's government, thus enabling them to bring the city of Florence under their family's power. During their rule, they created an atmosphere where artistry was able to prosper. Their revenue …show more content…

Giovanni contributed to the Italian Renaissance through art and architecture with his involvement in the creation of the Basilica di San Lorenzo, which is one of many large temples of Florence, Italy, and is based at the focal point of the city's main place of business. This place greatly holds significant value for it is the entombment place of deceased members of the Medici family. In 1419, Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici recruited Filippo Brunelleschi to remodel the eleventh-century Romanesque building. “For three hundred years it was the city's Church before the official seat of the minister was exchanged to Santa

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