Part 1 Part 1: Search the internet for the term "IT outsourcing". Find at least two articles that discuss outsourcing, whether beneficial or controversial. Summarize the articles and answer the following questions in a two to three page paper: Outsourcing is the lifeblood of IT. The prevailing theory is that outsourcing saves companies money and enables them to engage a broader pool of IT skills and talent than they could in-house. Summary: The above article talks about how IT outsourcing is the most cost-effective way for companies to hire qualified individuals for specific jobs without having to commit to the significant cost or maintaining a year round in house team. IT outsourcing is …show more content…
Given the information and the results from above, the company should lease the equipment for 30 days of use. This will be the cheaper method for the company. In 30 days it would cost $7,200 to lease and $8,900 to buy. Part 3: Draft the source selection criteria that you might use for evaluating proposals for providing laptops for all students, faculty, and staff at your college or university or all business professionals in your organization. Use figure 12-5 as a guide. Include at least five criteria, and make the total weights add up to 100. Write a two to three page paper explaining and justifying the criteria you chose and their weights. Laptop computers are fast becoming the computer of choice for people around the world mainly because of its portability. Evaluating which laptop to purchase depends on a variety of factors, like size and weight, processor speeds, the size of the hard drive and how much RAM it has. Some other important considerations to consider include the type of operating system it uses, the projected battery life, and the resolution of the screen. Price is always a determining factor. It is recommended that buyers develop a short list of the best three to five proposals that the project team might use to help create a list of the best three to five proposals.
Outsourcing would allow the OSI to focus only on its core business and would be more cost effective for it to reduce capital infrastructure costs. Also improving employee satisfaction with higher value addition jobs and making the best use of competitive resources available worldwide. Using an outsourced company (TIS) would give it the same standard hardware and software platform. And should be high speed and have a lower cost of Telecommunications.
Outsourcing Work. Outsourcing means just what it says - going "out" to find a "source" to undertake the work. The most obvious advantage of outsourcing appeared to be the cost savings that would come with not having to purchase additional equipment or work space and not having to add to the employee headcount. However, it was noted that some organisations are now doing more themselves in order to develop or preserve their expertise and self-sufficiency.
This case addresses many issues that affect insourcing/outsourcing decisions. A complex and important topic facing businesses today is whether to produce a component, assembly, or service internally (insourcing), or whether to purchase that same component, assembly, or service from an external supplier (outsourcing).
An outsourcing has become a major trend in human resources over the past decade. It's the practice of sending certain job functions outside a company to reduce costs of production. The good side is that outsourcing create jobs for people. An outsourcing also minimizes the recruitment and operational costs. However, it has a negative sides.
b) Ability to meet delivery times, the quality and stability of components, model selection that meets the requirements (laptop, netbook, tablet, etc.);
One of the most important forces of outsourcing is that organizations do not have gain the needed and required sources internally. And they have a difficulty in integrating and attracting expertise, where outsources own capabilities on a global level, modern technologies and other required resources. Also, by outsourcing the cost of keeping employees and consultants for short term is reduced. Furthermore, outsourcers are able to offer better career opportunities for business IT staff if they decide to transit to the outsourcer. As the manager of BP Company viewed the main reason of BP Company outsourcing is that "it has become increasingly apparent that service companies provide us with technical skills and ideas that we could no longer develop inside our own company" (Kremis, 2006).
The big tech companies already invested billions of dollars in IT infrastructure, for example Amazon has invested more than $5 billion with their Amazon Web Services division, and estimates revenues of $20 billion by 2020 . Outsourcing provides the capability to shift from a fixed to variable cost IT infrastructure, and only pay for the usage without making big hardware and software investments. Ultimately, the company must decide what should be in-house and what can be outsourced.
Companies are challenged with meeting aggressive goals and objectives that enable them to remain competitive in today’s global market. Placing one of the most critical functions required to achieve those goals in the hands of an external organization is a risk that must be managed very carefully. Should the organization with whom the IT functions are outsourced fail to deliver on services promised, they may be faced with penalties or other provisions agreed to for service failures; however, the company that entrusts their critical functions to them may suffer far greater consequences. Additionally, once the function has been outsourced it may be prove difficult and costly to continue to incorporate additional systems and goals in this area because of the dependency of the external organization. The knowledge and skills that may no longer be available within the company’s ranks may be needed for future projects and to appropriately manage the organizations performing outsourced
Outsourcing can also help companies to have access to new technologies that might not be used in their company. This is mainly because the outsourcers use the latest state-of-the art technologies to serve their private sector clients. And this might also increase the change paradigm shift and rapid migration of these companies to new technology. Outsourcing also helps multi functional areas and department of a public sector providing the benefit of 24-hour operational cycles and providing necessary services to their customer.
Many businesses consider that outsourcing creates too much forfeiture of control, less flexibility, uncertain savings and the risk of being held captive to one provider. Some businesses find themselves and their employees a target for malware and many attacks focused on stealing information. One factor that ultimately leads to the decision to outsource is the fact that a business might be better off keeping their valuable information in a safer environment.
Outsourcing is the contracting out of an internal business process to a third party organization. The term "outsourcing" became popular in the United States near the turn of the 21st century.(6) Outsourcing is big business today even for small businesses. Like every business decision we are faced with the advantages as well as the disadvantages of relocating part or all of a business. Outsourcing is one of the fastest growing trends in business as large-scale organizations have latched onto outsourcing due to the almost immediate savings and quality improvement. (1)
When outsourcing is done for the right reasons will actually help your company grow and save money and hence the advantages;
India is facing competition from other countries around the world in IT outsourcing. China, Ireland, The Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Poland, and Egypt are just some of the countries that aggressively looking at IT outsourcing for growth. Over the years these countries have been developing their country to be able to provide IT outsourcing and lay a strong foundation to sustain this new idea. According to KPMG (2016), some of the investments these countries have done are built a huge market share by delivering a wide-range of services across the products line, insights across industries, investments in industry specific offerings and intellectual property tools/templates
In today’s world, the most effective method of doing business is for a company to focus on their core competencies – what they do best. The role of outsourcing is critical to a project’s success. It can expand the customer base and allow organizations to focus more on relationships. As outsourcing grows, it becomes more and more important to balance advantages and disadvantages, understand the risks, and act to mitigate those risks.
What is Outsourcing? It is a method in which companies subcontract labor and support to outside agencies (Klepper, 1997). How, why, and who companies outsource to are quickly becoming social topics of discussion in our society. Everyone seems to have an opinion on outsourcing. I bet that I can walk into a social gathering right now and hear discussions like “outsourcing is good for the American consumer” or outsourcing takes jobs away from all of the hard working Americans.” In either case, outsourcing has raised great concerns over its effects on the American economy. In this paper, I will discuss the types of outsourcing, pros and cons associated with outsourcing, management views of outsourcing, employee