
It's Time to Ban Smoking Essay

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Do you smell that? That foul scent mixed into the air. It’s killing you slowly inside, each time you take a breath of this putrid, polluted, dirty scent. You smell it too, the trillions of chemicals racing into your lungs. Now look around yourself, and you’ll see someone smoking on the bench beside you. Smoking is the number one avoidable causes of death. Therefore, smoking should be banned from all public areas. The ban from smoking in public will help to reduce the smokers intake of cigarettes/chemicals, cigarettes themselves are a danger to the earth, some may argue that this ban may damage the economy, and that smoking does not only effect the smoker himself/herself, it effects everyone around them, in many various …show more content…

• Smoking increases risk of erectile dysfunction.”
If the ban against smoking in public were to be put into action, smokers will reduce their intake of cigarettes, because they are not legally allowed to smoke in public. They will reduce their intake cause without as many areas to smoke; they are forced to reduce their cigarette intake. Therefore, with the minimization of cigarette input into their bodies, there will be a decreased risk of defects from nasty, cigarettes. And there over a million other defects of smoking cigarettes than the ones quoted above! Imagine; babies damaged and ridden with cigarette related diseases, children carrying their puffers with them everywhere cause of their cigarette related asthma, and children failing school because their academic performance has been corrupted by their frequent cigarette intakes. Is this a world you would like to live/remain living in, or would you like to continue listening about the horrible defects of heavy cigarette intake? Also, thorough research has proven that the reduction of cigarette intake will benefit the smokers’ health. Nina S. Godtfredsen, with a Medical Degree and a Philosophy Degree, along with her associates in Copenhagen University; provided research for Obesity, Fitness & Health Week, which is one of the world’s largest sources of health information newsletters. From the October 22nd, 2005 newsletter, the results for the observation

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