
J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey Essay

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J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey
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In the novel Franny and Zooey, J.D. Salinger uses the Glass family to deliver his beliefs on religion and society during this time. One way in which he does this is by delivering the novel into two short stories. One deals with Franny, a young female who is at a crossroad with her beliefs, and the other deals with her brother Zooey who tries to help his sister through her difficulties. Once this book was published in 1961, it was an instant hit and made its way to the best-seller list. Over the years there were many critical essays written discussing Salinger’s intended purpose for this novel. In A Preface for “Franny and Zooey” John P. McIntyre explores whether Salinger’s main …show more content…

In Salinger’s work, the two estates—the world and the cutely sensitive young – never really touch at all...Zooey and Franny and Buddy (like Seymour before them) know that the great mass of prosperous spirituals savages in our society will never understand them”(McIntyre 2). What is seems McIntyre is trying to say is that these characters’ ideas about religion and society don’t mix at all. They are two totally different entitles, and if they were to mix, then it would ruin the whole purpose of the novel itself. If these two did mix then the lessons learned through the novel would be lost. Franny along with the reader learn that it’s important to honor others even if they are hard to deal with for example like the feelings that Franny has towards her college professors. Also that this separations shows that the story is about love just as much as religion and spirituality.

The next example demonstrating Salinger’s spiritual focus through the prayer which Franny reads in the little green book. The book is first seen when Franny explains to Lane that this specific prayer is where you repeat the same phrase “Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me” over and over until it becomes part of you. Franny also explains that she likes this prayer because it helps purify her mind and it becomes almost like a heart beat. When Zooey helps Franny though her breakdown he says to her, “You can say the Jesus Prayer from

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