
J. Trading Divisions Between East And North America

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Analysis J-Trading is a US-based company that has 350 employees which are spread out across five trading divisions between East and North America. Fifty percent of the employees are Japanese which originally came from JICO but now on a 2 – 5 – year international assignment in the United States. Within the company, J-Trading have two very distinct culture, the Japanese culture and the local culture. After the dot com crash, followed by the 9/11/2001, J-Trading’s revenues were affected badly which forced J-Trading to cut down on work force and expenses J-Trading spends on. Diagnostic After the incident, J-Trading purchases required approval on investments $350,000 or greater from JICO and business and admin divisions were cut down by 10%. Most of the cost had come from the IT department, which meant that Personnel expenses had to be cut down in order to reduce expenses in J-Trading. This affected the IT department as complaints were coming in from employees saying that they are not satisfied with the PC Helpdesks performance, and expect better from the IT department. This cannot be rectified as Sharad Patel who is the manager of the infrastructure section of the IT department, is struggling to keep the employees who work at the Helpdesk to keep their jobs. Also since the infrastructure section are occupied with the daily maintenance, they struggle to find the time to perform any upgrade projects, this causes employees to be demotivated and results a high turnover.

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