
Jacksonian Democracy Dbq Analysis

Decent Essays

Due to the Jacksonian era, politics are now a fundamentally different structure compared to those before it. The democracy of Andrew Jackson, which was created for the people by the people, compared to other self-centered politicians, created a new era for the “common man”. His way of being an advocate for the people made other politicians made others forced to follow his lead to gain votes. The way Andrew Jackson both spoke and executed his ideas ended up angering the many which created a larger divide in the United States. Jacksonian Democracy made the political process run by more “common men”, caused the Union to falter even more, and furthered the development of sectionalism. Jackson served during a time when the western United States …show more content…

Jackson’s way of campaigning included the people by holding parties and using propaganda to improve his public image. In fact, Jackson being elected shows how the “common man” could become a political figure. His victory was celebrated by all, and his victory showed that power had been handed back to the people. The account of Margaret Bayard Smith about Jackson’s inauguration shows the importance of the event (Document 1). The first-hand account shows the craziness of the inauguration in the victory of a political outsider winning. The historical context of the document was that Jacksonian Democracy had been proven victorious, and that a new era of democracy was taking shape. Suddenly, people had to start campaigning to people, which gave the “common man” and some minorities a say in government. Additionally, Jackson’s policies on giving out offices were to reflect and help the people, not just the wealthy. In Jackson’s statement on his policy of the rotation of office, he states that offices should not be for one social class, but for all, as well as saying that only the people can complain about his decisions (Document 2). His reasoning in saying this is to allow for smooth transitions of power, while simultaneously guaranteeing his ability to perform upon his own whims. He is essentially telling the rich politicians that he is giving the people the exclusive …show more content…

Jackson’s way of campaigning to the people, as well as his division of offices made the government more for the people, making candidates pander to their voters instead of state electors. However, Jackson’s stubbornness and actions made him many enemies, tearing the country into a fierce divide between Whigs and Democrats, threatening a break in the Union. Jackson also increased sectionalism through his actions in rejecting Calhoun’s nullification and his brash move of shutting down the National Bank. To conclude, Jacksonian Democracy helped the people, increased sectionalism and strained the ties of the

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