
Jacksonian Democracy

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During the 1820s and 1830s the Democratic Party grew under the influence of the politician Andrew Jackson. The Democrats believed in a limited federal government and supported more power in the states, rather than in the federal government. This party was concerned by the economic monopolies in the East and wanted more opportunity for white males in the South and West. By the 1828 presidential election, new amendments to voting qualifications allowed more white males to vote. With support from this new population of voters, Jackson swept the election, introducing the Jacksonian Era that lasted until 1836. President Jackson was admired for his respect towards the common man and his focus on fulfilling the interest of the people. During his time as president, Jackson expanded the power of the executive branch by vetoing proposed bills that were believed to be aiding the privileged elite and hurting the common man. Although Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the guardians of the constitution and the values it instills, they were not adamant about protecting democracy and individual liberty. The democrats claimed that they protected political democracy but on several occasions Jackson tested the limits of the power he had as president. Jackson vetoed the Second National Bank in 1832 because he believed it would give the bank excess market power, the Whigs and many other Americans did not agree with his decision. In Document C, Daniel Webster expresses his concern of

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