
Jane Eyre Gender Roles

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In the book Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, the characters and their personalities are put in a lot of thought to; every character is meant to either compare or contrast to the protagonist. And considering how the book has a main theme of Gender Roles, this can be especially noted with the other women in the book. Whether they love or hate Jane, they all represent either aspects of Jane or contrasts to her upbringing, and I’ll explore how do the chosen woman do so in the progression of the book.

First, I want to focus on the beginning, with the Reed sisters, who were with a suffering Jane in her childhood and who turn out drastically different from each other. From the start, they were both different, with Georgianna being the spoiled princess …show more content…

Why is that? Well, Bertha is a pretty big plot twist to the novel; she is the secrets and deception Edward Rochester hid from Jane throughout their relationship, and insanity is always fun to explore in characters. She is also the only character of color in the story, who is portrayed as a Gothic monster (which has enough racist implications from the time period as is). However, in some ways, she can compare to Jane Eyre, as someone who also lacked freedom from who should’ve been who most loved her (for Bertha, it’s Mr. Rochester, for Jane, her family of The Reeds). Both also have experienced what it’s like to be literally and emotionally locked up, though while Jane was locked up to the point of gaining boldness, Bertha was locked up to the point of losing her sanity. They’ve also felt lots of hatred from the abuse they’ve experienced, towards their abusers. They fight for their freedom, but Jane has the limits a sane person should, while Bertha’s madness drives her to cause fires and disasters to gain her freedom. Bertha could be seen as a ‘what if’ to Jane if she had lost her goodness and her mind also went against her, from the circumstances of abuse she had to

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