
Jane Eyre, The Great Divorce, And The Importance Of The Heart

Good Essays

William Faulkner once said that in order for a work to be considered good writing, it needs to display a conflict within the heart. The three summer reading books, Jane Eyre, The Great Divorce, and The Importance of Being Earnest, all certainly present some internal conflict within major characters. Through these conflicts, the major characters have to make decisions in the books and these decisions have grand consequences. These decisions teach the readers very valuable moral lessons. Through displaying internal conflicts within characters like Jack, Jane, and Ikey, authors Oscar Wilde, C.S. Lewis, and Charlotte Bronte follow Faulkner's definition of good writing while also teaching the readers about morality and giving wisdom about life. The first work that displays a conflict of the heart is The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. In this play, a character known as Jack has to make a very tough decision that involves the woman that he loves. After lying to everyone about having a troublesome brother and faking his identity, Ernest decides to attempt at killing off Ernest in the Second Act. He goes to Miss Prism and says “He died abroad; in Paris, in fact. I had a telegram last night from the manager of the Grand Hotel” (Wilde 29). This decision within seems as if it was really difficult. The reader obviously knows that Jack has an internal conflict since the girl he loves, Gwendolyn, only likes him because of his name. This decision to kill off Ernest

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