
Janet Smith Contraceptive

Decent Essays

To a greater extent doctors and well-known figures are presenting that contraceptives aren’t as innocent as they seem. In this informative display given at the 4th National Forum on the Theology on the Body (also titled "Love and Responsibility Conference"), Doctor Janet Smith illustrates the possibly severe and physical side effects connected to contraceptives. She also talks about the impact that these chemicals have on how men and women relate to each other, what they uncover as attractive in each other, and how they choose a spouse. Come along and learn more about the linkage between the negative effects of contraceptives to societies viewpoints are frequently disregarded in regards to contraceptives.
Some 30 years ago, the birth control …show more content…

Dr. Smith brings up the term “utilitarian ethic” by which is caused by the use of contraception as, “if the possibility of parenthood is deliberately excluded…character of the relationship…changes…relationship is transformed to the point in which it becomes incompatible…nothing left except ‘utilization for pleasure,’ of which the object will be a person (Love and Responsibility 228).” Thus, meaning that the other person is just used as sexual pleasure. Eventually, one loses their own “dignity,” as learned in class as the quality of being worthy of esteem and honor – worthiness. Once one loses “dignity” for themselves then one may even question on being in a marriage even one’s own possibility to reproduce, which is one of the greatest things in the world. Today it seems, women are treating the act of pregnancy as a negative thing – childbearing and nurturing your child is one of the greatest things. In the end, “utilitarian ethic” has an endless cycle of negative characteristics associated with …show more content…

Janet Smith clearly throws at you that there is. People who are taking contraceptives are either not aware of the deadly effects of these drugs or afraid of being told their opinion is wrong compared to others. Society believes these contraceptives are helping out the youth and adolescents; however they’re causing more harm than good. Ultimately, the use of contraceptives are up to the individuals although I feel that there are better options out today in regards to the longevity, safety and health of

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