
TH131 Orals Reviewer

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Thesis Statement #1

We are all called both personally, as individual believers, and ecclesially, as members of the Church, to share Jesus Christ by word and witness, through active commitment (Radcliffe).

*We are called on by Jesus to spread his word through active commitment
- God created man to name his Creation. We were created in order to serve the Lord, but at the same time, we are also made in his image
- God gave humans names first (Adam, Eve) and then tasked them to help Him name his Creation, because naming is a manifestation that God wants you to participate in developing the Creation with Him.

It is an active, self-determined response to a general call rather than a passive acceptance of a specific call, which puts us in a …show more content…

“Without love the family cannot live, grow, and perfect itself as a community of persons” (Familiaris Consortio 18).

And “[b]y their very nature, the institution of marriage itself and conjugal love are ordained for the procreation and education of children, and find in them their ultimate crown” (Gaudium et Spes 48).

Thesis Statement #4

Thesis Statement #5

Thesis Statement #6

Sexuality is God’s gift to us. We are created according to God’s image as “male or female”. It is not in lonely solitude but rather in relating to others through our sexual natures that we share in God’s life of love and creativity. It is a God-given power for love and generativity that we must learn to gradually integrate ever more fully within our total selves. To live and associate with others in interpersonal relationships, respecting their sexuality and proper bodily expressions, is the vocation of every disciple of Christ (Radcliffe). Thesis Statement #7

Regarding contraception, the Church insists that “marriage and conjugal love are by their nature toward the begetting and educating of children.” Hence, while rejecting artificial means of contraception and birth control, the

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