
Janice Shaw Crouse Teen Suicide

Decent Essays

The main focus of this paper is to compare hamlet to teen suicides and family dynamics. Many acts in the play represent some things you can see in modern teens or families. Teen suicide is a major issue in today’s society. In the play many things that could lead to or cause suicide. One thing that can cause suicide is family dynamics. If the family is broken it can lead to a lot of stress being put on the kids.

We know today that one major cause of suicide is depression, and there is a lot of different factors that lead to depression. Things like bullying, death, divorce, and stress can all be things that cause depression. Janice Shaw Crouse wrote an article talking about teen suicides and in her writing she stated“…more than 90 percent of …show more content…

With all the recent events in his life he is considering the good and bad aspects of life, also what it is and means to be human. Things from the death of his father, his mother marrying his uncle, and his love for Ophelia causes him to question what value his life caries. Janice Shaw Crouse wrote in her

article that “NMHA identifies feelings of anger and resentment and the inability to see beyond a temporary situation as the main factors in teen suicide attempts”

The quote by Janice Shaw Crouse is a perfect representation to hamlets thoughts of suicides. He is so focused on things like his father’s death, and with his uncle that he can’t see the good that can come in the future. Hamlet is just choosing to say in that dark part of his …show more content…

Most people like to think that a perfect family consist of two parents, and two kid’s one of each sex. But the sad truth is that most family’s today are broken. Just like Meredith F. Small wrote“…our ideas of the perfect family are narrow and just plain inaccurate…” Most families are full of problems. Family’s now a days are full of pain and heart ache. Parent will get divorces and remarried separating the family and making its difficult on the kids.

Hamlets family is full of lies and secrets. His father is dead and his mother married his uncle. So along with dealing with his father’s death he has to try and learn how to deal with his uncle trying to act like his father. Hamlets family is a perfect example of a broken family, and those family issues are huge reasons for his thought of suicide. In a way Hamlets family have a lot of similarity with real life families. Its very hard now a day to find a family that has two parents. Many are either divorced or a parent has died and most end up re marring causing stress on

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