
Jazz Music In New Orleans

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Topic #1 Development of Jazz music in New Orleans Jazz music was originated from African American communities. The African American community is responsible for developing jazz as they used their culture as an influence in it. In the nineteenth century, jazz music had reached New Orleans. The history of the music can be traced back to the slave trading. In Africa, Slaves used music as a means of entertainment just as they did and the music was also affected by the new culture that they found in America leading to the development of jazz. In New Orleans, music was kind of necessary thing, since European came to the land, American style Jazz were merged with European classical legacy. Just after the beginning of the new century, jazz began to emerge as part of a broad musical revolution encompassing ragtime, blues, spirituals, marches, and the popular fare of "Tin Pan Alley”(National). According to the Folklore, Jazz music was from Congolese music where hoards of people that they dance around the fire before the civil war. Many tribes all over the African continent practice this guise. These instances have been recorded mostly in New Orleans. The year 1819 in February contains most of the recorded events where groups of Africans were dancing around a fire. Several drawings are the result of …show more content…

In fact, Caribbean music was heavily donned with African drumbeats. When Africans had the access to more drums, they borrowed heavily from rhythms such as Caribbean, Cuba and even Haitian systems of beating the drums. This was very instrumental in the development of the jazz music. The other aspect that makes culture important in this sense is that jazz music was able to redefine and fit in all cultures. This is quite evident in the way jazz borrowed heavily from European culture especially when it came to the themes of the songs and the softness with which they passed the

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