
Jean Piaget And Erik Erikson Essay

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Currently, teachers still are using theorists work when dealing with children in a school setting. Both Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson were great Theorists, that works help us understand children’s thought processes and skill sets. Teachers are interacting with their students based on developmental and skill age-appropriateness, while incorporating foundations of theorist teachings. A child-theorist’s research can provide an understanding of how and why children behave, as well as how they process information. Erik Erickson’s 8 Stages of Development provided a timeline for stages people’s minds go through by their age. Jean Piaget’s came up with the four stages of mental and physical development, that help us recognize children’s behaviors and abilities at certain ages as well as examples of how children learn and interact with these developed skills. After reading about both theorists, I believe Jean Piaget’s work is more relatable when determining that a behavior or skill of a student is age-appropriate. Jean Piaget was a biologists and psychologist born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland on 1896. According to “Over the course of his later career in child psychology, he identified four stages of mental development that chronicled young people 's journeys from basic object identification to highly abstract thought.” ( Having this valuable information as a teacher, can help teachers interact positively with their students. Teachers can plan curricula

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