
Jean Piaget 's Influence On Children

Decent Essays

Jean Piaget lived from August of 1896 to October of 1980. He grew up in Neachatel, Switzerland where his father studied medieval-literature and wrote about the history of Neuchatel. His childhood lacked normalcy due, in large part, to his mother’s psychological issues. The abnormality of his home sparked an interest in Piaget to learn and discover outside of regular school curriculum. During his elementary school years, Piaget implored Paul Godet, the director at the Neuchatel museum of Naturel History, to allow him the pleasure of studying “the museum’s mollusk collection after hours” (Brainerd, 1996, 191). Godet became Piaget’s tutor, teaching him the methods of classification. Piaget began publishing his discoveries in 1907 at the age of ten. However, as word spread about his young age, publishers refused to continue publishing his articles. He graduated with his bachelor’s degree in 1915 at the age of 18, then finished his Ph.D. at the age of 21 from the University of Neuchatel (Brainerd, 1996, 191). In 1915, Piaget suffered a nervous breakdown and traveled into the mountains to recover. During his undergraduate studies, Piaget’s godfather persuaded him to deeply study philosophy. Piaget wrote multiple essays on the subject, which he later called an unfortunate experience. He also studied the reasons for and implications of science and mathematics. Through his studies, he concluded that human “logic is inherent in action and that the roots of logic are therefore to be

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