
Jeremy's Guilt Persuasive Speech

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Jeremy, I really hate how 365 doesn't keep shit formatted. Apple needs there own office products! That is smarter than a mcdonnell. You know Jeremy, my intention is never to make you feel bad or guilty when I tell you anything. Guilt is the worse punishment, that was Barbara's parenting style, a whopping and yelling is better than any guilt trip, they stick to you like leaches. Until you figure out how to pull them off, they will suck you dry. If anything its to simply let you know my perspective. As the song says, "I was coal, you helped me turn to gold".. and completely yours! Not to surrender anything but together become the team we know we already are. You never did anything but tried to help, protect and support me 100%, you've done this everywhere I go, see and hear. Perhaps you did have to go back to the drawing board a few times to figure out how to do this best, knowing it'd have to be a..certain way. But you never gave up on me. I am sure when you rolled up your sleeves, you gave Walt Disney's drawing board and work room a run for its money, trying to figure this out. You might think I am him, but only because of the doors you opened. You will always have or find the key to any of them, if I didn't already place it in your pocket when you weren't looking. I have to keep you guessing... for just a few minutes, so I can see you in action. *Cough you took this and multiplied it by at least 100. …show more content…

I believe we'd be more like Ben and Jerry's ice-cream, although they aren't gay (Ben & Jeremy sounds better together too).. they mesh the best, plus whatever flavor of ice-cream or size you pick out of the many, even if its crazy, its good quality. I know we could give them a run for their money any day of the

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