
Jerry and Molly and Sam Carver Short Cuts

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Jerry and Molly and Sam

Based on what I've read, the story is set in modern time or pre modern time, because her works in a company named Aerojet, there is from 1942, but they got financial problems, so it have to be a later in the years. In the text the main character mentions Sacramento, the capital of California in America. In the story we meet the main character Al, who is 31 and he is a father to two children, Alex and Mary. We also meet his wife Betty and her sister Sandy. We hear about their old dog Suzy and the new dog Sam. And later in the story we meet Jerry and Molly. Shortly the story is about Al and his stressful life. He has problems with the wife, the kids and he also has financial problems, but his smallest problem is …show more content…

The world was full of dogs”#9.
Even if he gets a new dog, he would make the same mistake and blame the dog and take a short cut. It likes a vicious circle. He had try to develop, but he failed and in the same level as he was before and will still try to escape goat and blame others livings beings.
The themes the story deals with could be to take control.
“I promise you, things´ll be all right. I´ll find the dog and then things will be all right, he said”#10.
Or it could

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