
Jesus : The Savior Of God

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In the Christian religion, Jesus, also known as the Messiah, was (portrayed/known) as the savior of mankind. As learned and taught from the scriptures, Jesus can be said to be both fully human and fully divine, all being one person. It is said that God sent Jesus to our earth for a mission, and that mission was to teach people the truth, teach the people about the kingdom of God, and many other important things essential to one’s happiness. Jesus came to earth for us, and to help save and teach us valuable things. He was a greatly valued man whom people saw as always being there for them when they needed him.
What kind of man was Jesus? Jesus was a man of many great things. Teaching was something that Jesus took great value in, he was …show more content…

John 12:27 “I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.” The sin in which created from within ourselves or souls was what filled Jesus are created his own body/soul to be troubled when he was to complete his will to redeem us from our sin (J.C Ryles). He was willing to suffer in the benefits of his people shows how he truly was as a person and how he cared for the better of mankind. (J.C Ryles)
As known, Jesus was a man with a mission, a mission to save and seek the lost on earth. He wanted to do whatever he could to save those who needed to be saved, along with who wanted to be saved; he rejoiced in saving people. Jesus enjoyed teaching what he learned over the years as well as the things taught to him by God, (his or our) father. Jesus was happy to reveal himself to us. He was joyful to speak and teach us, even when we were not seeking him; what makes him very happy was to see us respond and take in the ways in which he was preaching. Jesus was joyful in the Holy Spirit for he was moved and fulfilled by it, also, he was content knowing how his teaching as well as God’s grace had come together to result in the saving or salvation of the souls on earth. The happiness seen in those who he has saved and the signs of belief and trust in the

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