
Jim Elliot 's Life And Death Influenced People

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Jim Elliot’s life and death influenced people to spread the gospel. God used his death to bring salvation to many Auca Indians and inspiration to thousands of believers worldwide. His death had an impact on people to go to other countries and share the love of Jesus. After his death, the mission to spread the gospel to the Auca Indians did not end. Two years after Jim Elliot’s death, his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter, Valerie, moved into the Auca village. Many Aucas became Christians and many missionaries still live with the Aucas today.
His Early Life
Jim Elliot was born on October 8th, 1927. He grew up in Portland, Oregon. Jim had two older brothers, Robert and Herbert, and a younger sister, Jane. Jim became a Christian at a young age and he wasn’t afraid to tell anyone about Jesus. He was always excited to hear what visiting missionaries had to say about their life on foreign mission trips. Jim’s dream was to one day be a missionary himself. Jim’s father was a minister and he was a big influence on Jim. Knowing that so many people in other countries die without even knowing who God is, made him really sad. He believed that everyone should hear the gospel and that was his goal in life. His parents encouraged raised him to follow their beliefs with obedience, honesty, and piety. Every day he was encouraged to live for Christ, read the Bible, and go to church regularly. Jim’s father taught him that life is only worth living if you give it over to God.
His Ministry On

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