
Joan Of Arc Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Do you know if you are in the grace of god?” They asked Joan during her trial for heresy and witchcraft. “If I am not, may God place me there; if I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest in all the world if I knew that I were not in the grace of God,” She told her accusers. “But if I were in a state of sin, do you think the Voice would come to me? I would that everyone could hear the Voice as I hear it…”(Pettinger). With her faith, determination and patriotism Joan of Arc proved herself as one of the most influential female leaders of her time. Throughout her life, Joan had strong beliefs that aided her on her quest. Most know of her visions of angels and saints, but she was very religiously involved long before then . “She was greatly committed to the service of god and the blessed Mary …show more content…

Somehow she managed to meet with him upon her first visit (Lahners). Charles of Valois had theologians examine her. They found that nothing about Joan was Improper. ( editors). Joan also had immense pride and patriotism for her country. She became a renowned military leader without any prior experience. Once her visions told her that her country was in peril, she arose and answered the call. When she went into war Joan completed many risky acts in the name of her country, such as cropping her hair and dressing in men’s clothing in order to pass through enemy territory ( staff). These feats along with numerous others are what helped secure her legacy. Some may argue that the Duke of Burgundy was a more well remembered Military leader than Joan of Arc. This may be because he was able to execute many goals against France's order due to the mass amount of power and land he possessed (Knighton). While it’s true that The Duke had much authority, Joan’s life and quest has a longer lasting impact on the

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