
Johann Sebastian Bach And George Frideric Handel

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During the Baroque Period, dwelled two extremely skilled musicians, one a little-known organist, the other a famous composer. These two men’s names are Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.
Johann Sebastian Bach lived from 1685 to 1750 and many would nominate him as the greatest musicians that has ever lived. Bach was born in Eisenach Germany on the spring of 1885 and devoted his life to God through his music. At the age of 10, Bach’s parents died and so he went to live with his brother. Ironically, his brother soon died and so Bach went to live in Luneburg where he attended school and studied musical culture. Leaving Luneburg at 18, Bach began his first business by playing Violin and Viola with the orchestra at Weimar but soon …show more content…

Handel was born in a town called Halle in Germany and although his father wished him to become a lawyer, his father eventually recognized his musical talent and let him embrace it. Handel had only one teacher, Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow, whom trained Handel up in the organ, harpsichord, violin, and oboe. Handel loved his Zachow and even after his death in 1712 Handel sent gifts to his widow and children. After discovering opera, Handel journeyed to Italy to study everything there is to know about music. While in Italy Handel created a few operas, one such opera called Agrippina became renowned in Venice resulting in world fame. After Venice came Hanover, which was short lived and quickly replaced by London, England in 1712. In England, Handel’s operas became increasingly popular because of their Italian touch. Eventually, people grew bored with operas and in response Handel started constructing oratorios in English. Handel’s music like Bach’s is founded on his Christian faith. It was the foundation of all his oratorios and even his first success Esther. Handel’s most famous piece is his Messiah, which he wrote in 24 days without once leaving his house. His servant had to bring food to him which often he didn’t eat and his servants often found him in tears Handel said, “I did think I did see all of heaven before me and the great God Himself.” In 1759, Handel, whom was almost blind, conducted 10 concerts ending with his Messiah on April 6, he knew that this was his last performance. He wished for himself to die on good Friday and so on April 14, 1759 George Frideric Handel died. Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel were both magnificent musicians of the Baroque Era that applied and improved everything we know about music today, music or even the world wouldn’t be the same without

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