
John Brown: An Evil Sin Against God

Decent Essays

Well, I guess someone has to go first and since I’m not at school ever and can type up something during the school day, I guess I’ll go first. John Brown was seen as many things by many people, some thought he was a martyr and a saint, others saw him as an evil, murderous, maniac. While others thought of him as a normal man whose ideas and morals were right, but he tended to get out of hand. If you were a slaveholder in the south in the mid-1800’s you probably hated him, but if you were an abolitionist then you might admire him. Brown’s philosophy seemed a bit askew to how he lived his life. I think that it’s a bit contradictory to advocate that slavery is immoral and an evil sin against God, and then go and break one of the ten commandments and kill five people who support slavery.

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