
John D Rockefeller Research Paper

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John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Brief description of their life: John D. Rockefeller, Sr. was born July 8, 1839 in Richford, New York. John grew up the second of six children. His mother Eliza Davidson was a devout Baptist and homemaker, while his father William Avery Rockefeller was a lumberman who decided later to become a traveling salesman. His father, though rarely around, had taught his sons a valuable lesson at an early age. "Trade dishes for platters." Through boyhood John grew up raising turkeys, selling candy, and eventually moved on to loaning money to neighbors. After high school John went through a 10 week business course for bookkeeping at Folsom's Commercial College. It was here he learned most of the skills it would require to run the nation's largest monopoly. …show more content…

He was one of the biggest catalysts that propelled the United States into the great country it is today.
What can we learn from and model from this person? Many lessons can be learned from Mr. Rockefeller. Some of the most powerful lessons that should be taken from him would include honesty, hard work, attention to detail, morals, and mind sight. John could see exactly where he wanted to be years before he ever reached his goals. He reached almost every goal he set out to complete. After he retired he became a very notable philanthropist who donated over five-hundred and fifty million dollars to worthwhile causes.
Why did you choose this person? I chose Rockefeller because he was a great role model who built himself up from the ground. He had great morals and character as well as a strong discipline that kept him moving forward through every obstacle that came in his path. The man was a genius when it came to making money and was able to create something that would last his family for years to

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